1) SOX4 facilitates brown fat development and maintenance through EBF2-mediated thermogenic gene program in mice.
Product: EBF2 Antibody (#DF13398)Year: 2024Journal: CELL DEATH DIFFERImpactFactor: 13.7DOI: 10.1038/s41418-024-01397-0 -
2) Role of microRNA-19b-3p on osteoporosis after experimental spinal cord injury in rats.
Product: EBF2 Antibody (#DF13398)Year: 2022Journal: ARCH BIOCHEM BIOPHYSImpactFactor: 3.9DOI: 10.1016/ 33587904 -
3) Иммуногистохимическая характеристика биопсийных образцов десны в области беззубого альвеолярного края челюсти.
Product: CD1a Antibody (#DF13391)Year: 2024Journal: ПародонтологияDOI: 10.33925/1683-3759-2023-825 -
4) Opsin 3 expression in human Langerhans cell histiocytosis and its mediation of ELD-1 cellular function.
Product: CD1a Antibody (#DF13391)Year: 2023Journal: Eur J DermatolImpactFactor: 2.5DOI: 10.1684/ejd.2023.4532PMID: 37823488 -
5) Nitric oxide induces HepG2 cell death via extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase activation by regulating acid sphingomyelinase.
6) Withaferin A inhibits ferroptosis and protects against intracerebral hemorrhage.
Product: Transferrin Antibody (#DF13383)Year: 2023Journal: NEURAL REGEN RESImpactFactor: 6.1DOI: 10.4103/1673-5374.355822PMID: 36453416 -
7) METTL3 preferentially enhances non-m6A translation of epigenetic factors and promotes tumourigenesis.
Product: hSET1 Antibody (#DF13382)Year: 2022Journal: Nat Cell BiolImpactFactor: 21.3DOI: 10.1038/s41556-022-00968-yPMID: 35927451 -
8) RETRACTED: Long Noncoding RNA CTD-2589M5.4 Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion Via Downregulation of the Extracellular Matrix–Receptor Interaction Pathway.
Product: SV2A Antibody (#DF13377)Year: 2022Journal: Cancer Biother RadiopharmImpactFactor: 3.4DOI: 10.1089/cbr.2020.4429PMID: 34242057 -
9) Long Noncoding RNA CTD-2589M5.4 Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion Via Downregulation of the Extracellular Matrix-Receptor Interaction Pathway.
Product: SV2A Antibody (#DF13377)Year: 2022Journal: Cancer Biother RadiopharmImpactFactor: 3.4DOI: 10.1089/cbr.2020.4429PMID: 34242057 -
10) Long Noncoding RNA CTD-2589M5.4 Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion Via Downregulation of the Extracellular Matrix–Receptor Interaction Pathway.
Product: SV2A Antibody (#DF13377)Year: 2021Journal: Cancer Biother RadiopharmImpactFactor: 3.4DOI: 10.1089/cbr.2020.4429PMID: 34242057 -
11) Yogurt-derived Lactobacillus plantarum Q16 alleviated high-fat diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice.
Product: DGAT1 Antibody (#DF13368)Year: 2022Journal: FOOD SCI HUM WELLImpactFactor: 7DOI: 10.1016/j.fshw.2022.04.034 -
12) Foxa2 attenuates steatosis and inhibits the NF-κB/IKK signaling pathway in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Product: FOXA2 Antibody (#DF13363)Year: 2023Journal: PeerJImpactFactor: 2.7DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16466PMID: 38084145 -
13) Downregulation of the Long Noncoding RNA IALNCR Targeting MAPK8/JNK1 Promotes Apoptosis and Antagonizes Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Replication in Host Cells.
Product: DFFB Antibody (#DF13360)Year: 2022Journal: J VIROLImpactFactor: 5.4DOI: 10.1128/jvi.01113-22PMID: 35993735 -
14) Chronic alcohol reduces bone mass through inhibiting proliferation and promoting aging of endothelial cells in type-H vessels.
Product: Endomucin Antibody (#DF13357)Year: 2022Journal: STEM CELLS DEVImpactFactor: 4DOI: 10.1089/scd.2021.0337PMID: 35491665 -
15) A vessel subtype beneficial for osteogenesis enhanced by strontium-doped sodium titanate nanorods by modulating macrophage polarization.
Product: Endomucin Antibody (#DF13357)Year: 2020Journal: J Mater Chem BImpactFactor: 7DOI: 10.1039/d0tb00282hPMID: 32627795